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2tonnes et la Communauté de Communes du Plateau Picard

Ecological planning at the heart of public policy design.

What are the levers of action for my institution, my region? What interactions with other public and private players? With what governance?

What changes are taking place in society, and what are the consequences for public action? How can we reconcile decarbonization and development?

Why and how to use 2tonnes in my business?


Elected officials

Train or raise awareness among work teams


General directorate of health, Head of department

Organize a truly mobilizing team-building or seminar?


Ecological transition project manager, flow saver, referent

Massively train your employees to accelerate the low carbon/CSR transformation of your company?


Agent in an animation situation with users

Become a facilitator to move my business?

Workshop objectives

Acquire an effective and desirable decision-making method

Offer a quantified vision to help you make informed decisions | Learn about possible solutions | Prioritize according to a strategy | Visualize the impact of your actions

Initiating a gradual and ambitious transition process

Initiate a progressive and ambitious transition process (self-efficacy)

Acquire knowledge and understand orders of magnitude

Acquire knowledge (planetary limits, effective levers, co-benefits) | Develop a systemic vision of the ecological transition and be able to project oneself concretely on an individual, professional and societal scale to build solutions

Developing interpersonal skills

Develop a posture of listening, dialogue and cooperation; know how to position yourself in a debate | Develop a positive, solution- and progress-oriented emotional relationship, without feeling guilty | Develop the ability to make personal decisions and take action, with responsibility and in the service of the community.

In a nutshell

3 hour-workshop

1 facilitator

per workshop

From 6 to 15 participants per group

On site

or remotely

Join us for a presentation meeting!

Better understand and disseminate the implications of climate change within your company.


Make your company and your employees players in the ecological transition by launching an educational approach.


In this 45-minute session, you'll learn about the 2tonnes workshop and how it works:

  • explanation of the workshop (why 2tonnes, how it's organized, fees)

  • demonstration of the live tool

  • questions/answers


Registration is free and compulsory.

They attended 2tonnes!

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