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Project governance

An impact project, driven by the general interest and reaching very different audiences, 2tonnes has chosen to professionalize itself to increase its impact and accelerate the dissemination of the workshop. To do this, it was necessary to invent the governance model that best suited the accomplishment of our purpose.

Governance is structured around two organizations:

  • A Social and Solidarity Economy Company, SAS 2tonnes Compagnie , created and managed by François Laugier and Pierre-Alix Lloret, who develop the 2tonnes workshop and manage its distribution in a professional framework (which we call among ourselves “La Forge”).

  • An Association under the 1901 law, the 2tonnes Association , whose mission is to allow the use of the tool by as many people as possible in a voluntary framework (which we call among ourselves “The Village”). The association organizes workshops for the general public led by volunteers, and unites the community of animators via events, campaigns, seminars, etc. All animators can be members of the association, and elect a Board of Directors composed of 7 members at the General Assembly by majority judgment vote.

2 tons
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