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Make ecological and societal transformation a lever for the competitiveness and robustness of your company!

Stronger teams that work better together and adapt quickly. Even in a crisis context.
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We have already trained more than 250,000 people in 50 countries

Reconciling ambition and robustness

In 2025, companies face a double challenge.

  • Improve the ecological and social impact of the company

  • Ensuring the sustainability of the company in the face of a multitude of crises of all kinds

And they are not ready.

Subject to contradictory priorities, they are struggling to achieve their ecological transformation . Not very robust, they are suffering the full brunt of these crises which are putting their competitiveness and sustainability more and more at risk every day .

The key to performance in such a context? Adaptable and efficient organizations and teams, capable of collectively resolving new problems and crises of all kinds that arise.

What if the ecological issue, instead of being one more problem to manage, became a way to act better together?

In 2025, companies face a double challenge.

  • Improve the ecological and social impact of the company

  • Ensuring the sustainability of the company in the face of a multitude of crises of all kinds

And they are not ready.

Subject to contradictory priorities, they are struggling to achieve their ecological transformation . Not very robust, they are suffering the full brunt of these crises which are putting their competitiveness and sustainability more and more at risk every day .

The key to performance in such a context? Adaptable and efficient organizations and teams, capable of collectively resolving new problems and crises of all kinds that arise.

What if the ecological issue, instead of being one more problem to manage, became a way to act better together?

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Developing your teams’ capacity for collective action

A goal

Increase your teams' power to act on the ecological transition... and on the rest!

A recipe

Disseminate the conditions for healthy and effective collaboration in the face of complex problems: informed relationship to knowledge, shared trust, ability to find compromises, common culture around an understood strategy.


The 2tonnes methodology at the service of your challenges

We understood your feedbacks! The unique educational approach of the 2tonnes workshop is now conjugated in the plural. Formats adapted for your stakeholders and customizable.

2tonnes workshop
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The reference immersive workshop to explore the levers of ecological transition and learn how to act as citizens and as professionals.

2toness Workshop for Business

The 3-hour workshop that allows executives to understand how to achieve an ecological transition to improve the competitiveness and robustness of your company


The educational game to open the door to the transition to a wide audience and raise awareness among as many people as possible.


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We adapt our educational formats to the needs of your business, your strategy, and your teams, to make your CSR strategy a lever for mobilization in the service of your strategy.


For organizations, now is the time!

This changes everything! By deciding to invest in their capacity for collective action in the service of the ecological transition, organizations develop:

We need an ambitious, coherent approach

Accelerate your CSR and/or regenerative transformation

  • Adopting new practices

  • Making CSR credible, promoting its CSRD report

  • Save time and gain allies for CSR teams

  • Transmit the CSR strategy

  • Generate internal ambassadors

Their robustness

A more robust organization that anticipates changes and manages them effectively

  • Anticipation of risks and crises

  • Increased adaptability

  • Speed of execution and quality of collective work

  • Management practices and agile mindset

  • Less resistance to change

You can become a transition pioneer

Gain in execution power, and better respond to today's challenges

  • Attractiveness and retention of talents

  • Team cohesion and commitment

  • Employer branding and staff retention

  • Reinforced brand image

  • Best response to legal obligations


2tonnes helps companies to transform!

A truly immersive workshop

We develop experiences that mix serious gaming, foresight, collective intelligence and training. Our formats profoundly change people... and groups

A community of expert animators

More than 1000 professionals at your service, trained for all contexts.

Formats that scale

Train internal facilitators and reach hundreds of people. The best train the trainer offer.

Experience and capacity for innovation

More than 250,000 people trained and specialization in large-scale challenges

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